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Le Bio-méthane

Le Bio-hydrogène

La méthanisation

La méthanisation en STEP

L'épuration des Biogaz

Le captage du CO2

Les siloxanes


Plaquette PTC

Publicité GASWASH



Le procédé VABHYOGAZ

Le biométhane - Enjeux et
solutions techniques
(Par ENEA)

Valorisation chimique du
- Etat des lieux 2014
- Bénéfices énergétiques
et environnementaux
- Evaluation économique
de 3 voies chimiques

Etude du traitement des
siloxanes par adsorption
sur matériaux poreux:
application au traitement
des biogaz (Par HAL)

Outil d'aide à l'injection du
biométhane dans les
réseaux de gaz naturel

Panorama de la filière
biogaz, biométhane et de
ses acteurs (Par ATEE)

Etude de marché de la
méthanisation et des
valorisations des biogaz























P.T.C. System
and Bio-energies

Concentrations of CO2, the main greenhouse gas, continue to rise. The symbolic threshold of 400 ppm has just been crossed, bringing us dangerously close to the climatic tipping point of the Earth.

Each m3 of biogas from methanisation has helped to avoid the release into the atmosphere of 2.3 kg of carbon dioxid (CO2) responsible for global warming.

However, it must be borne in mind that each m3 of biogas produced always contains between 20 and 40% CO2, ie between 3 kg and 6 kg, which are ultimately released to the atmosphere, either during purification in biomethane by the
or in the use of biogas without purification.

The GASWASH process participates in the fight
against CO2 emissions

A methanisation unit of 2 MW electrical, by the principle of methanization, thus avoids the emission of about 9 000 t of CO2 in the atmosphere.
It should be noted that this same methanisation unit of 2 MW and which consumed about 4 Mm3 of biogas nevertheless emitted between 800 and 1600 t of CO2 in the atmosphere depending on the nature of the methanated substances











The recovery of biogas
Composed mainly of methane and carbon dioxide, biogas is efficiently recovered in biomethane by purification processes.
This technique, called methanisation, is caused in digesters, during the treatment of household refuse, industrial or agricultural waste and sewage sludge.
Biogas, resulting from the fermentation of this waste, is a renewable energy source which, after purification, can replace natural gas of fossil origin.
Farmers, industrialists and communities thus treat their waste while exploiting their energy and economic potential. The GASWASH purification solution enables the recovery of all biogas for injection into the natural gas network, the production of vehicle fuel (biomethane gas or liquid) or the production of renewable hydrogen after biomethane reforming.

The purification technology using the GASWASH technique
In order to transform biogas into a substitute for natural gas, it is necessary to get rid of all the pollutants.
The GASWASH process proposes a technical solution that allows biogas producers to efficiently use biomethane in its process of purification.
The technology used makes it possible to permanently remove carbon dioxide (recyclable CO2), and to eliminate in the same operation N2, O2, H2O, H2S, NH3, Siloxanes, Organochlorines or Organofluorines.

The hydrogen sector, starting from methanisation, should logically find its place in the near future.



Example of implementation of the GASWASH process on a methanation unit

In the field of sustainable development, the GASWASH process is particularly well adapted technically and economically to the products of natural hydraulic fracturing for the extraction of Biogas and their purification in Biomethane.

Hydrofractioning should not be confused with natural hydraulic fracturing (cryoclasty) that results, on the surface, from the effect of the freeze-thaw cycle of water trapped in a rock and the erosion of the soil by water- Water to supply silts, sediments, alluviums and vases in which the organic matter accumulates in large quantities and gives a sapropel (black mud) or lignite (debris of woody matter)..

This "Fracking" sector has never been valued.

The GASWASH process is integrated in the field of Sustainable Development for the reduction of greenhouse gases and the upgrading of renewable energies. The purification of the biogas with the GASWASH process makes

it possible to obtain directly pure biomethane in one operation "One-pot" process and the VABHYOGAZ process is the process for obtaining "fuel cell" quality Bio-Hydrogen.

All these two complementary technologies allow the lowest cost of manufacture of Bio-H2.

The GASWASH process is the only known technology to date, making it possible to permanently eliminate and recover advantageously the CO2 resulting from methanation in the form of carbonates and which are recoverable in particular in industry.

It allows the total, sustainable and one-time capture of CO2
as well as all the volatile polluting compounds (N2, O2, H2O, H2S, NH3, Siloxanes, Organochlorines or Organofluorines).

The GASWASH technology allows a cost of production of biomethane 3 times cheaper than the competition and thus makes it possible to reduce the cost difference between the methane of fossil origin and the biomethane to incorporate it in the gas distribution network.

With the VABHYOGAZ process, biomethane purified with the GASWASH process. Will provide biofuel quality "fuel cell" at a hydrogen selling price well below the famous threshold set at
13 € / kg.

On the other hand, the GASWASH process technology allows an extremely simple biogas purification equipment whose investment cost is inconsistent with the existing processes.





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Quelquefois, les plus petits ressorts font mouvoir les plus grandes machines.
(Jean-Paul Marat)


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