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Biogas - Biomethane

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La méthanisation - Des biogaz au biométhane

La méthanisation en station

Les techniques de purification des biogaz

Le biométhane à partir des

Les siloxanes dans les biogaz










































































































































































The GASWASH Process ©

Whatever the nature of the biogas, the GASWASH process separates the biogas from its impurities (CO2, H2S, VOC, Siloxanes). The methane content of biogas increases from 45% to 98% and can be directly injected into the national gas distribution network.
The advantage of our GASWASH process is that it uses reliable, robust, widely proven technology that comes directly from the industry. This system adapts according to the variation of the methane richness according to the composition of the incoming crude biogas.

Why methanize our waste ?

Methanisation, which is still underutilized to date, appears to be an answer to the dual issue of waste management and the development of renewable energies; Not to mention the fight against greenhouse gases, of which CO2 is a part.

The principle of methanization consists in recovering the organic waste to recover it in the form of biogas by anaerobic fermentation.
Organic waste can come from agricultural (slurry, manure), industrial and tertiary (including LPN waste) or from local authorities (catering waste, grass clippings ...).
Biogas is composed in particular of methane in variable proportion, which gives it an energy potential.
This biogas, after purification, is used to produce electricity and / or heat. It can also be injected into the gas distribution network, or even used as a fuel gas.

To date, the purification of biogas requires a succession of operating phases.
The GASWASH process has the advantage of treating all the undesirable compounds in a single operation.

In addition to biogas, agricultural methanization allows the production of a fertilizer, the digestate, which can be applied (As part of a spreading plan, or as a standardized product after composting).
The development of methanation is fully in line with the objectives of the energy transition law for green growth promulgated on August 18, 2015.

France wants to develop renewable energies up to 23% of the energy mix by 2020, with a strong contribution from biomass to these objectives (wood energy and methanisation).
Thus, the State sets a target of 1,500 methanizers in 3 years, and methanisation is at the heart of the plan Energy Methanization Autonomy Nitrogen (EMAA) of 29 March 2013 (see site internet http://agriculture.gouv/Plan-Energie-Methanisation).

It should be noted that in this configuration, the biogas is not purified so that it is a source of olfactory nuisance due to H2S and NH3. On the other hand, the fermentation CO2 is released to the atmosphere (greenhouse gases).

The current biogas - biomethane sector

The uses of biomethane are the same as those of natural gas: domestic hot water, heating, cooking, industrial needs, etc. One of the relevant valuations still unrecognized is the valuation of fuel.
The use of biomethane in transport fuels (known as bioGNV) would reduce greenhouse gas emissions in this sector.
Furthermore, on the understanding that bioGNV and NGV (natural gas for vehicles) have the same chemical composition, gas-fueled vehicles and filling stations can be supplied with bioGNV without technical modifications.

Diagram of the conventional pathway

The purification of biogas

To date, biogas purification is carried out mainly for the upgrading of biomethane by injection into natural gas distribution networks of fossil origin.



The diagram above shows the complexity of such a purification plant comprising several treatment units and it will be noted that the CO 2, which is momentarily trapped, is released to the atmosphere. Such facilities represent a significant investment and operating cost (eg, activated carbon costs).


Opposite a processing unit diagram with the GASWASH process


Le The GASWASH process, which is innovative because of its simple but particularly effective technology, has a prominent place among the current biogas purification techniques.

It is the only one known to completely eliminate in the same operation and on a single treatment unit CO2, N2, O2, H2O, H2S, NH3, Siloxanes, Organochlorines ou Organofluorines, etc....

Actualy, what is the CO2 balance of a methanisation unit?

Each m3 of biogas from methanisation has helped to avoid the release into the atmosphere of 2.3 kg of carbon dioxide (CO2) responsible for global warming.
A methanisation unit of 2 MW electrical, by the principle of methanization, thus avoids the emission of about 9 000 t of CO2 in the atmosphere. However, it should be borne in mind that each m3 of biogas produced always contains between 20 and 40% CO2, ie between 3 kg and 6 kg.


This carbon dioxide is ultimately released to the atmosphere, either during purification in biomethane by competing techniques or in the use of biogas without purification.

It should be noted that this same methanisation unit of 2 MW and which consumed about 4 Mm3 of biogas nevertheless issued.
Between 800 t and 1600 t CO2 in the atmosphere depending on the nature of the methanated substances. The composition of the biogas and therefore its impurities varies according to the nature.

An INERIS report (15/12/2009) mentions concentrations of carbon oxysulphide (COS) in the range of 0.047 to 0.29 mg/m3 in biogas from the methanisation of sludge from sewage treatment plants..

Biomethane: Towards a cost of production finally competitive ?

The GASWASH process is the only known technology to date, making it possible to permanently eliminate and advantageously recover the CO2 resulting from methanation in the form of carbonates and which is recoverable in particular in industry.
It allows the total, sustainable and one-stop capture of both CO2 and all volatile volatile compounds (N2, O2, H2O, H2S, NH3, Siloxanes, Organochlorines or Organofluorés).

The GASWASH process allows a cost of production of biomethane 3 times cheaper than the competition and thus makes it possible to reduce the cost difference between the methane of fossil origin and the biomethane to incorporate it in the network.

The GASWASH process: a new innovative process

The system for the complete purification of Biogas of any kind in a single operation and on a single treatment unit.














The recovery of biogas
Composed mainly of methane and carbon dioxide, biogas is efficiently recovered in biomethane by purification processes.
This technique, called methanisation, is caused in digesters, during the treatment of household refuse, industrial or agricultural waste and sewage sludge.
Biogas, resulting from the fermentation of this waste, is a renewable energy source which, after purification, can replace natural gas of fossil origin.
Farmers, industrialists and communities thus treat their waste while exploiting their energy and economic potential. The GASWASH purification solution enables the recovery of all biogas for injection into the natural gas network, the production of vehicle fuel (biomethane gas or liquid) or the production of renewable hydrogen after biomethane reforming.

The purification technology using the GASWASH technique
In order to transform biogas into a substitute for natural gas, it is necessary to get rid of all the pollutants.
The GASWASH process proposes a technical solution that allows biogas producers to efficiently use biomethane in its process of purification.
The technology used makes it possible to permanently remove carbon dioxide (recyclable CO2), and to eliminate in the same operation N2, O2, H2O, H2S, NH3, Siloxanes, Organochlorines or Organofluorines.

The hydrogen sector, starting from methanisation, should logically find its place in the near future.




Another implementation of the GASWASH process for the purification of biogas is possible according to this scheme according to the current methods:



The sustainable phase-out of pollutants

The P.T.C. system loop



This system is currently the only known system for the long-term elimination of CO2 and which can be recycled in the industrial sector.
In a period particularly favorable to the development of alternative energies to fossil resources, the prospect of integrating biogas into the French energy landscape is of political, economic and environmental interest.
Indeed, the valorisation of domestic, industrial and agricultural organic residues or the treatment of wastewater satisfies the notions of sustainable development and renewable energy, clearly explained in the recent commitments and international agreements. The environmental impact of the implementation of biogas recovery schemes results in a significant reduction in the greenhouse gases discharged.

Recent fluctuations in the costs of importing fossil fuels have also positively influenced the renewed economic interest in the production of energy from biogas, whether directly in the form of high purity methane gas Or in the form of electricity.

The cost of biomethane completely purified by the GASWASH process is 0,054 € /kWh. When the cost price in competing systems is around 0.15 €/kWh.
The GASWASH process. Allows a cost of production of biomethane 3 times cheaper than the competition and thus makes it possible to reduce the cost difference between the methane of fossil origin and the biomethane to incorporate it in the network.
On the other hand, GASWASH technology allows an extremely simple biogas purification equipment whose investment cost is inconsistent with the existing processes.




The P.T.C. system is part of this new concept of purification / decontamination


Innovalor is looking for a partner or associate for P.T.C. System and the DAVID and GASWASH processes


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