P.T.C. System - The sustainable pollution control system

Purification of gaseous, liquid or aerosol compositions

P.T.C. System is a patented technology in France on 27/07/2018. This patent is also being extended on 02/08/2018 worldwide for 152 countries.
This innovative technology P.T.C. System falls into two main areas:

DAVID Process - Industry & Odors - The treatment of gaseous effluents
Industry proven technology

The object of the present invention is to provide a process for the purification of gaseous or liquid effluents containing one or more pollutants, such as:

  • Volatile Inorganic Compounds (CIV): CO2, H2S, SO2, acids, etc ...
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOC): amine, aldehyde, ketone, ester, carboxylic acid, alcohol, thiol, etc ...

GASWASH Process - Sustainable Development - The purification of biogas
Proven technology in the treatment plant

Mainly in the field of biomass methanisation, a particularly advanced field for the reduction of greenhouse gases and for the valorisation of Renewable Energies.
This process has the particularity of sustainably capturing CO2 a greenhouse gas causing global warming.
P.T.C. System is available in partnership or in association with possible transfer of exploitation rights to these patents.

This patented innovation is an opportunity for an investor or an industrialist who wants to join or consolidate a world leader in this fight against industrial gas pollution, energy transition and global warming for the humanitarian cause that arises.


Sometimes the smallest springs move the biggest machines. (Jean-Paul Marat)

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